There is so much controversy surrounding when you should feed your baby solids for the first time. The doctor says to wait until 5 or 6 months, friends say don't even try until 8 months because they are not ready, Grandma says 3 weeks. I really think it's up to you because it's your baby and I doubt your baby will die from eating a little rice mixed with breast milk. After all, they can die from SIDS, being shaken too hard, looked at with an evil eye, wearing too much clothing, tripping while walking, etc. The world is a scary place! One night I was reading in my "What to Expect the First Year" book and it gave some suggestions as to when your child may be ready to try solids. I really liked this approach because it mentioned that doctors go off of research and studies and Grandma uses old time ways, but it showed ways in which your child gives you cues. It said that your child should at least be a supported sitter, which she is. They should show curiosity in food, and she totally stares while we eat. It also said that their instinctual habit of thrusting things out of their mouth should be gone. All these signs leaned towards Audrey being ready. Forget the backlash from friends or family who think otherwise...we are Audrey's parents and what we say goes. So, off we go to Target to buy some rice cereal. Here's what we bought.
Totally organic and excludes all other additives that would give her boobies when she is 3. We pump Audrey up and tell her she is getting big girl rice and it's going to be so exciting. Here she is getting ready for her surprise!
She was really interested in the first couple of bites....then it went downhill from there!! The pictures explain it all!
I have no idea what I'm in for!
What the heck?
This has a different texture than my boobie juice!
Okay Mom, I'm over it!
Dad...please help me!
No...I'm done...quit putting the spoon in my mouth!
The scary face begins!
Please, no more...torture!
I want to throw up all over the place.
And this is how her first rice cereal meal ended. Tears and an empty belly. We love you Audrey!