Friday night we got together with our friends Brittany, Colin, Melinda, Morgan and their kiddos and headed out to the River of Lights at our Bio Park. This year they revamped the lights and added a ton of new ones. We try to go every year since it's really pretty and fun. We didn't make it last year since Audrey was all of 15 seconds old. Okay, really she was 3.5 months old, but too cold for a tiny ladybug. This year we layered ourselves up and headed out!! Notice my hat and scarf. Made especially for me by one of my students moms. Love them!! As we waited for our friends to arrive we decided to snap a picture with the penguins!
We ventured inside where Melinda, Audrey, and I stopped to snap a photo.
Audrey's first experience with the lights...she loved them!!
The lights are gorgeous and as you walk around different sections of the Bio Park the theme of the lights change. In the whole grassy section all of the lights were geared towards the water with whales, stingrays, coral and more. Overlooking the pond you can see the array of lights on display.
We then ventured into "Africa" where we saw all kinds of safari animals!
My favorite animal is the elephant. This one was cool because the water would splash on top of the other elephant. It was hard to capture since tons of people were walking by.
We decided to take a little break to listen to the music coming out of the house and Elijah could let people know that the restroom was located at his head. Thankfully no one chose to use the restroom.
Roooooaaaarrrr means I love you in dinosaur. Love this guy!
Audrey checking out the coral plants. This is also where we got lost from our friends and enjoyed meandering through the castle with just our little family.
You would think Elijah was a big kid when he sees this and the first thing that pops out of his mouth is: "PEGASUS!!!!" He cracks me up!
Time to head to the car since it was super cold at this point and Audrey's little toesies were red icicles.
*On another note unrelated to this is my dad's birthday! Happy birthday dear River Man! We love you!!