We decided that we wanted to make Audrey's baby food rather than buying it at the store. It's a personal choice and it does take more effort, but it is cost effective and it is very gratifying after making it and knowing that she will probably enjoy it. Obviously this is the first time we have attempted to make her any food, and surprisingly it's not that easy. I am such a better baker than a cook, so it may take a few tries before we get it right. We planned on starting out with avocados since Audrey's Great Auntie Janis brought some back with her from the Grandparents avocado farm, but they are not ripe just yet and I am too impatient to wait, so we decided carrots would be first. My friend Melinda was sweet enough to get us a steamer basket from Now We're Cooking (I couldn't find one ANYWHERE!) and I figured the blender would be a great thing to use to puree them. I don't think I cooked them long enough because after I stuck them in the blender they just sort of mixed and then settled into the bottom and still had some tiny bits of carrots in them. They weren't big chunks and I didn't know what the consistency should look like. After adding water, pulsing, whipping, pureeing, etc...it was still slightly lumpy. I figured she could handle it so I pulled as much out of the blender as I could. She looked excited to eat it, but after slightly choking and a mini mom heart attack later we gave up and decided to try again the next day. After going to Walmart, Target, and then finally Bed Bath and Beyond we decided to buy a Cuisinart blender thing that actually says you can make baby food with it and it is BPA free. Hopefully after steaming the carrots a bit longer....like mashed consistency and using this new fancy appliance we can get it right and Audrey can enjoy the new world of solids!! Wish us luck!
Oh my gosh...what is this? |
Carrot face. |