So I have a ton of fun making Audrey's food and am so excited to see how she likes it...only thing is-she could care less! So far we have only been giving her solids at dinner time and even then she will only eat a couple of spoonfuls. I started off with carrots (see previous blog) and then made them again, this time with a longer steam and more boobie juice. They came out perfect!! Audrey is "ho hum" about them, but we tried her on them for about a week.
What is that in the mixer?? |
Excited mommy |
| time. Little does she know it's solids and not boobie juice. |
No...not this again. |
Pissed off carrot face.
I thought that maybe she didn't enjoy carrots...they were too bland or too orange. Who knows! So after her Great Aunt Janis came to town and dropped off some avocados from the family farm we thought that would be the next veggie to try. She really enjoyed them the first day...gulping them down. The next few days, not so much. She is really great at avoidance tactics, such as staring at the light fixture, turning her head towards the window, looking down at her Bumbo. In general...looking anywhere, but at her food and/or me!
Mmmm avocodos |
Whatchu looking at?? |
Our last stop on the road to solids is sweet potatoes. I baked them and according to the cookbook it said if you bake them the natural sugar flavors come out more and it tastes better. I thought this was a great idea because maybe it will be more flavorful for this impartial eater. We sat her down again tonight hoping that she would like them more than the carrots and the avocados. Fail again. Not only does she not really like them, but her new thing is making gagging noises. I can't believe that at 5 months old she can gag as if she is having bleach poured down her mouth. This kid is turning out more and more like her mommy. Cooked veggies...not so much. Raw veggies...yum (not sure if she will be like this, but I sure am) and I'm pretty sure that she will just adore pureed fruits. Well, little are going to try EVERY veggie in the cookbook before we move on to fruits. Hate to break your sweets bubble!
If I keep my mouth clenched closed, do I have to eat it? |
Maybe I sort of like it. |
Avoidance tactic #1...staring at the Bumbo |
Her new way of getting out of eating...gagging noises. |
Funny! Why is it that every first baby is picky... My other 2 ate anything I gave them, but my first would clamp his mouth shut until I put the bowl away ;). I used to mix a little apple into the sweet potatoe puree and that seemed to be more likeable.