Thursday, June 9, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge Day 9's day 9 of the challenge and I have made it this far!  Woo hoo!  Today's challenge is...drum roll please.  I know how excited you are to read this...come on now!
 A favorite picture of your best friend
Well...I'll have to look back into the archives to see which I like the best. For whatever reason we don't take that many pictures when we are together.  As of late it has been few and far between.  She works, as do I and she is a mommy of 2 beautiful little girls.  So...we both lead busy lives, but that's okay.  This lovely lady is my "toasted sister" as I like to call her.  She got cooked just a bit longer than me.  Her name is Genise and I met, maybe like 6 or 7 years ago.  We were both working at this place that's secret and only Victoria knows it.  Anywho, we both got this seasonal position and had to work together.  I wasn't so sure of her at first.  She can come across as bitchy (before you get to know her).  Or at least that was my perception.  She probably thought I was a stupid nerd, so there.  Well we became fast friends and I am so glad because a former friend was slowly unraveling her friendship string when I needed her the most.  Too bad for her and not for me.  I then got an amazing best friend who WAS there for me and did not judge and stood by me.  She even coached me during labor (thank you!!) and took the first pictures of Audrey.  I don't know what I would do without this beautiful person in my life.  I kid you not...we are like the same person.  It's crazy!  I love her to death and if anyone has the pleasure of being her friend, they are very blessed.  Love you!
I love this picture of her.  So pretty!  Giavana is so small.  She's going to be in kindergarten this year!

1 comment:

  1. That's pretty sweet, and slightly hysterical (the bitchy thing that is). Cute pic too! I miss my buddy - I never see her anymore!
