Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Happy Birthday

One year ago I was in the hospital waiting on the arrival of our first born.  I was ready to go...we were just waiting on little Ms. Stubborn to move on down and turn over.  At 10:52am after an hour of beyond painful pushes (but would do it again to have her!) we got the world's greatest gift!  Parenthood.  I became a mommy for the first time and Elijah became a daddy for the first time.  I cried when I saw her.  She was the most beautiful baby in the whole wide world.  And she was mine to care for, love, cherish, and teach.  Instead of being the 5 1/2, maybe 6lb baby they thought she would be...she turned into a 6lb 14oz cutie who apparently was living in my back! This year has flown by and has been filled with so many firsts.  Rolling over, sitting up, eating solids, getting 3 teeth (and 2 more just starting), walking, and of course jibber jabbing in her own little language.  Her personality comes out more and more each day and my love grows for her as each minute passes.  I love you with all my heart, my dear Audrey!  Grandma is your Angel watching over you each and every day!  Happy 1st Birthday Ladybug!!!
From the moment you were conceived, you were loved.


1 month

2 months

3 months

4 months

5 months

6 months

7 months

8 months

9 months

10 months

11 months

1 year!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Audrey!! What a sweet post're such a good mommy. :)
