Monday, March 19, 2012

Creativity in a Child

I always tend to look at Audrey in awe as she plays or does her "weird" things.  It's fun to sit back and see her imagination come to play and I often wonder what she is thinking about or 'who' she is playing with.  I want to start keeping tabs on the silly things she does that just makes me laugh.  Last night as we were watching the Amazing Race Audrey went to town with a game of "throw and fetch."  She took all her blocks from her shape sorter and went to the edge of the rug where she proceeded to throw each one, making a noise for each throw.  She would then go retrieve all her shapes and head back to the edge of the rug.  At times she had too many shapes and would drop them before she made it back so I tried showing her a bucket that she could stick them in.  She promptly shouted, "no, no, no!" at me because obviously I just didn't get her game!  I recorded some of her playing just to show you this little game she created.  She went to town on this game for a good 15 minutes which is like 3 hours in toddler time.  I apologize ahead for the loud background of the tv, but I didn't want to disturb her.  *Remember to go to the bottom of the blog and turn off the sound on the playlist before watching the video.


  1. She is so adorable!! You can tell she knows exactly what she is doing! Too cute!

  2. I finally got to watch to video (for some reason it didn't work on my pc, but it does on my iPhone?!)... Audrey is too cute! I love her noices & her baby belly :)!
