Thursday, July 7, 2011

Mommies and Margaritas

Okay, so I know I haven't completed my 30 day blog challenge, nor have I finished my California trip blog or 4th of July....but who really cares, right?  I had such a good time tonight that I need to share!  I have been in a funk now for the better part of the week, but I think I am past that now.  3 of my mom friends and I decided to have a mommy's night out since we always hang out with the babies.  We decided to go to Garduno's...a local Mexican restaurant to eat, but more importantly down some margaritas!  Melinda and I got there just a few minutes late and found Brittany and Stephanie already enjoying house margaritas and appetizers. Melinda and I got some yummy strawberry margaritas and Steph proceeded to tell everyone to drink up and catch up to her because that's what we were here for!  Brittany tried...but due to some failed chicken the night before and not much eating during the day, this is what she looked like (still great in my opinion).

Our laughter continued as we talked about mommy parts and crappy people...and more margaritas!
Brittany, Stephanie, me, and Melinda

Cheers to friends and tequila

The designated drivers...who somehow drank more than the other two!
After downing 2+ drinks, which is a lot from chicks who didn't drink for 9 months and rarely do now, due to crawling toddlers, we decided to sober up by walking around Uptown.  Most of the stores we don't dare go into because they are just too pricey for our liking, but it's fun to look!
Drunken picture takers

I was told if I wore my sunglasses that I looked less drunk. This picture just makes me want to get teeth whitener since mine are a harsh yellow compared to Steph's beautiful teeth!

Wait for us...we're too slow!

Beautiful Brittany!

Magnificent Melinda
During our fun photo op along Expensive Ave. we noticed Stephanie's shirt was just not up to par for this neck of the woods.  Where this stain came one knows?
Annabelle induced stains or ghost laundry stains?
Our end to the evening was cooling off by ways of the water fountains and many onlookers laughing at the drunk old ladies running through the sprinkers.
Brittany failed us as she bailed on our water expedition.
Brittany (the water bailer), me and Steph

Stephanie and me and all the onlookers
Tonight was such a fun night...and much needed!  I had a blast and cheers to doing it again (soon)!


  1. I am SUPER jelly over here!! Looks like LOADS of fun.

  2. That looks like so much fun! My girls and I are lunching today, but no margaritas for us :(

  3. Yay! A girl's night! Those really are the best de-funkafiers. I hope Steph doesn't try and deny all this by only posting pictures of that fat baby and calling it day... ;)

  4. I am impressed you were able to write a sentence last night. i could not even get my pjs on with out falling down or having to take a break. It was a Great night though!

  5. Glad you had fun! It is always nice to have good friends that understand it all :)! By the way we need to hang out again before school starts!

  6. Dwija....wasn't her blog funny?? Fat baby pictures!! Brittany, not sure how I managed to type it all. This post was pre shakes! And Sarah-we totally need to get together again!! :o)
