Tuesday, June 21, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge Day 21

Today's challenge is:
Favorite Picture of yourself ALL TIME Why?
Yeah, you thought I was gonna put a pretty little picture of me all dolled up.  I really don't take that great of photos, but this one made me laugh so hard I cried.  That's what makes it the best EVER.   I have no idea how my tongue came out so long like that.  It's just a classically dork photo.  Exactly and purely me.  Enjoy my yuck face I am giving to Zane.  I hope I made your day, or made you throw up in your mouth a little.  Goodnight world.


  1. Poor Zane!! He looks so scared! HA!!!

    Girl, you are so brave. You rock this Gene Simmons look. :)

  2. Oh that photo is hillarious!!:)

    Just stopped by from a Wednesday blog hop. I’m following you now and hope you’ll stop by my blog sometime too! Have a lovely week.
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  3. That picture is great! Totally made me laugh. Thanks for stopping by Mommy to a Princess.

    I really like the 30-day challenge. Can I borrow it?

  4. newest follower from the hop, you can check me out at http://hugatreewithme2.blogspot.com whenever you can:)

  5. :D LOL - that's hilarious! Following you...can't wait to read more! :D

    I really like your blog - I'm trying to get mine off the ground and was wondering if you could come check it out and consider following.


    Hope you have an *amazing* day! :)


  6. Hilarious!!! I love your braveness...I am not sure I could do it! Visiting and now following via Welcome Wednesday hop...hop on over to my blog and follow back if you like... http://mom4realky.blogspot.com

    Jessica K

  7. Hi just calling by whilst blog hopping. Love the photo. Be sure to check out my Autism Awarenesss Wednesday Blog hop. www.acceptandembraceautism.blogspot.com Sarah
