Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to my dad!!  He is an amazing guy who travels about 30 minutes each weekend to spend 30 minutes with his granddaughter...and me.  Yes, he could stay longer, but he's got things to do on the east side of town.  Thanks for giving me life, I don't thank you for my ears, but I guess I'll keep you!  Love ya!

Notice the Grandpa's #1 Girl Shirt!!

Also, this is Elijah's first Father's Day and we would like to wish him a happy day as well.  It's also our 7th wedding anniversary and so I shall say Happy Anniversary to you too!  He is an amazing dad who is always the one to get up at 6am (Audrey's internal wake up call) and hang out with her so I can sleep in!  She loves him so much and I am so glad she has a dad who wants to be there for her and protect her.  Thank you for doing an amazing job with our beautiful ladybug!

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